By Deanna Martin
(Greencastle, PA)
Visitor Review:
We were involved with K12 through PA Virtual Charter School (PAVCS.) The curriculum is good in the early years. It ran much better when K12 was actually in charge.
Once PAVCS became it’s own entity with a Board of Trustees it became a lot more bureaucratic and intrusive. I would say that for the parent who doesn’t have the confidence in the beginning.
It was a good spring board for us and now we homeschool classically. I would caution anyone interested in PA Virtual Charter School to understand that they are their own organization and use K12 as a vendor. Once you get in the upper grades most of the curriculum is chosen by individual teachers and usually it’s not K12. I think that sort of defeats the purpose of putting your kids in a school for the great K12 curriculum.
If you need a virtual option in PA for K12, I would recommend Agora Cyber Charter since it is K12 run. This is just my personal opinion; for what it’s worth 🙂