By Anna
Visitor Review:
K12 Math is easy to follow and right on task with the public school. Language and Literature are also on grade level with the public schools.
But Science and History are a problem. For 3rd grade Science they are expected to learn what the hygrometer, anemometer, barometer, and Beufort Wind Scale are and what they measure. They aren’t just required to recognize the four types of precipitation but memorize how each is formed.
The History expects them to comprehend ancient Greece’s influence on modern day times. While that wouldn’t seem so bad she is expected to learn about Homer’s contributions to ancient Rome’s budding poets Cicero and Virgil. Also the History expects her to understand ancient Greek architecture and government and then ancient Rome’s architecture and government. The Barbarian invasions and beyond.
So far we are only a few weeks into school and I have learned a lot (I am a college graduate) but my 3rd grade daughter is lost in History and feels discouraged in Science. I hope it gets better or I’ll have to change curriculum pretty quickly.